about Us

Why We Do, What We Do

As the owner of Credit Score Advocates, I would like to explain how we got started. In my family, education is a priority. Many of my relatives and ancestors were professional educators ranging from elementary teachers to college professors. It is our belief that if we have the knowledge, we must share it with others. Living by this rule, I decided to fill a void that many people do not have access to; a financial education. Since this is not taught in most public educational forums, we set out to build a company that could help those left in the dark about the increasingly important world of credit & personal finance.

Joshua Owen

founder | Credit score Advocates

average point
average dispute
success rate
average months for improvement


At Credit Score Advocates, our mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools to build confidence and improve their financial literacy. Through comprehensive credit education, we aim to provide our members with a reeducation of the credit system, enabling them to save money, make more informed financial decisions, and develop a strong foundation for engaging in meaningful discussions with financial advisors. We are dedicated to offering educational services that foster a better understanding of investment opportunities without engaging in the sale of investments, ensuring our members’ financial success and independence.


Our vision at Credit Score Advocates is to be a leading force in promoting financial empowerment and literacy. We aspire to create a society where individuals have the necessary skills and insights to take control of their financial lives, leading to a more secure and prosperous future. By imparting knowledge, nurturing financial resilience, and instilling the importance of credit reeducation, we envision a world where people are empowered to make informed financial decisions, achieve their financial goals, and create lasting legacies for generations to come.